The opponents of the Act included the Coalition of Physicians & Other Healthcare Providers and organizations dedicated to the rights of people with disabilities. Faith-based organizations advocate that while protections for healthcare providers are present, it is the patient who remains without adequate protections. The Coalition wrote that the Act does not require a psychiatrist to evaluate a patient before he or she decides to end their life; does not require anyone to be present when the patient takes his/or her lethal prescription; and allows the patient, or designated agent, to pick up their lethal prescription at the local pharmacy. In addition, the opponents assert that the Act will have a devastating impact on the treatment of terminally ill and disabled patients because it will quickly become another treatment option, always being the cheapest. The Medical Oncologist Association of Southern California, Inc. believes that no matter how many parameters are placed around the practice, legalizing a form of suicide will have spill over effects in society at large.
ource for News notes: The California End-of-Life Option Act: To Participate or Not to Participate by Larry T. Pleiss, Shareholder at Wroten & Associates.
Posted in In The News on April 11, 201